""As The Day Falls On LA"

About Me
Thank you for visiting my site. I am a photographer and retoucher based in Frisco, Texas. My specialty is fine art and commercial portraiture, headshots and sports photography. After 20+ years in film television production and 10+ years of shooting natural light images I established my freelance photography business in early 2014 with the purpose of creating unique, creative, timeless images for each and every client. Randy M Harris Photography serves all of North Texas, including but not limited to Collin, Dallas and Denton County. I am also available for travel.
Who am I? I am the Ranaissance Man! That is a nickname given to me by friends and clients over my 20 years as a makeup artist. Production work can make for long days and lots of stories, people would sit around and listen as I told tales of what I was building, painting, sculpting, growing, cooking or coaching........ you get the picture. Eventually someone would say "you are truly a Renaissiance Man or Ranaissance Man", Switch the e for an a and there you have it, after a while it just stuck. Bottom line, I love learning and trying new things but most of all I love to create, It's something I must do almost daily to feel complete.
I am married with 2 handsome young men, affectionately referred to as "The Boyz". When I'm not doing something film or photography related my time is spent coaching them both in soccer, lacrosse and a little boxing. Mom is the 9 to 5er so that leaves me with wake up, lunch, snack drop-off, pick-up and homework duties, time with them I wouldn't trade for a million dollars.
I purchased my first DSLR in 2007. At that time I was only shooting better family images. I quickly found myself shooting and selling images of 3 and 6 year olds playing soccer. As The Boyz grew I gravitated to shooting youth sports. I became a master at making 4-5 year olds look like they should be on the front of a Wheaties box. In addition to portraiture and sports I love shooting nature and landscape in my free time.
In early 2014 I took the jump into studio photography. I instantly fell in love with the art of controlling light and creating unique portraits. The subject (model), to me is a canvas to capture the light. Get the right light reflecting of the right places and you have a beautiful image, be it with the most expensive professional equipment or with a phone. This is a new journey for me and I look forward to all the joy from the good shots, all the learning from the bad shots and most of all the great people I will meet along the way.
I truly thank you for stopping by and hope that I can serve your photography needs in some way.
-Randy Harris